About Menopause

I feel I know the struggle only too well. Having had major gynae surgery over 20 years ago due to recurring;

  • Ovarian Cysts

  • Endometriosis

  • Adhesions

  • Fibroids

Around the same time of my operation, I was also navigating some personal issues that I found extremely challenging .

I continued to do what most other women do, continue like the Martyr I had been conditioned to be.

This was my life for many years, I knew no better.

And then I decided enough was enough, I wanted to change my life for the better.

And so I went on my own healing journey (I’m still on it) and I invested in my emotional health and wellbeing, it was without a shadow of a doubt the best investment I have ever made.

Menopause was just not spoken about 20 years ago, I felt like I was walking around with my shoelaces tied together, constantly in a fog. Which I now know to be a classic symptom of peri menopause.

No one explained to me that I was now more at risk to suffer from brain fog, anxiety, depression, even worse, Alzheimers.

All this as a result of a dramatic drop of oestrogen dropping post op.

I trained as a Menopause Coach to help women feel in control of their life again.

So they can get back in the driving seat and live an amazing life, a life without limitations.

Making Menopause a Movement not a Mystery


Menopause, often misunderstood and shrouded in misconceptions, is a natural, biological process that signifies the end of reproductive years. While it may be accompanied by physical and emotional changes, it also presents an incredible opportunity for women to explore more about her hidden desires, hopes and dreams.